Facebook Ad Formats: Choosing the Right One for Your Campaign

Facebook Ad Formats

Facebook ads have evolved from easy clickable images to full-on multimedia experiences. With full of the options available, it can be challenging to pick the one that best fits your marketing objective. A single ad or a combination of different types might best suit your needs. Know more about Facebook Ad Formats: Choosing the Right One for Your Campaign

We’ll cover each of the 5 options and how they work, as well as how to simplify them for your specific project. And with 2.9 billion monthly Facebook users. It’s certainly worth the option effort to get your Facebook marketing strategy down pat.

Let’s start reading for knowledge about 5 types of Facebook ad formats.

5 Types of Facebook Ad Formats

1. Image Ads: Image ads are a worthy format for showing off your products and engaging users. By using high-resolution images with people using your business products. You can generate a natural feel to your ads as they come in people’s feeds. by keeping your images focused on a single point and with minimum text. Users will be straight to your product.

Image ads are simple and flat-out to the point. Facebook accepts just about all image types, so long as there is minimum text on the image itself. JPG and PNG are recommended.

2. Video Ads: Nothing grabs care quite like video ads. Video adds a dynamic aspect to your ads that gets your message across in a memorable and compelling manner. Facebook video ads can be used in News Feed, in-stream (while people watch other videos), or in a Facebook story. Uploading your video in the highest resolution and in view ratios of 9:16 or 16:9 are recommended.

3. Carousel ads: Sometimes one picture or video just isn’t enough. Carousel ads allow you to display up to 10 images or videos in one ad, all with their own links. Carousel ads are perfect for product features, demos, and collections to tell a story. Facebook can also optimize the ranking of your images/videos based on performance.

An easy way to use carousel ads is to showcase products, highlight products, showcase product specifications, and as a way to tell stories. are popular on Instagram, carousels also have a place on Facebook and can attract users who like interactive content.

4. Instant experience: Immersive full-screen experience. Instant experiences are opened after clicking on an ad on a mobile device. This type of marketing emphasizes high-quality content through images, videos, carousels, presentations, or collections. The instant experience looks like an external website or landing page, but everything is contained within the Facebook app. This means users will never have to navigate outside of the app. This option is great for telling your brand story.

5. Collection of advertisements: Collection ads contain an image or video with a grid of related images below. This can be media representing the primary product with accompanying images of accessories, a collection of products, or a set of new releases. This ad format is like a digital storefront, as people can navigate and shop with a single click and quick loading of the shopping experience, all without leaving Facebook.

How to choose the right Facebook ad format

Now that we’ve covered what Facebook ads to choose from, how do you choose the right one for you? First, it’s imperative that you clearly define your campaign goals and build your advertising strategy around that, not the other way around. For example, are you trying to increase sales or increase your followers? Or maybe increase the number of downloads of your ebook? The answer could be all of the above, but finding the right tool specific to your unique business is key to Facebook advertising success.

Create awareness and introduce your brand

Video ads are the perfect choice if you want your products to be more visible and a quick and effective way to introduce your brand. In-feed videos are usually short and try to grab users’ attention as they scroll, which means you’ll need to make them as impressive as possible. Longer format videos are also an option to tell more detailed product or brand stories. Facebook’s study also found that people who were shown a video followed by a static image had a greater impact on conversions than any other combination of ad types.

Showcase products and increase traffic

Carousel ads are especially useful for e-commerce brands as they can easily showcase their various products. Each product can link to its own landing page, which also increases click-through rates. Or conversely, a carousel ad can be used to highlight a single product from different perspectives and highlight features. Carousel ads are also fantastic for interactively explaining a process or telling a story, encouraging people to scroll through and learn more as they go.

Create an unforgettable brand experience or product immersion

If you would like to put a specific product on a pedestal and dive deep into its benefits and features, try using Instant Experience. The full-screen format is ideal for when more in-depth storytelling is needed. Ads in collections can also help you showcase a focused topic and use other images to promote and cross-sell.

Increase purchases and product awareness

Instant ads work well because they help people go from discovering your brand and products to actually buying. There are four instant experience ad templates.

  1. Instant Storefront – Similar to having an online storefront right on Facebook. People can browse everything you have to offer in one place, as well as click through and buy on your website.
  2. Instant Lookbook – This helps you tell your brand story while driving sales or can be a digital version of your physical catalog.
  3. Instant Customer Acquisition – To increase conversions on a mobile landing page or to encourage desired actions on your website or app.
  4. Instant storytelling – a more engaging experience for people to understand your brand more deeply. Basically a way for people to be introduced to you and maybe click to learn more.

Fast Traffic Builder

If your goal is to create an ad quickly, then a display ad is the way to go. This includes easily enhancing an existing image post. If you want to build awareness of a single physical product, display ads are also very effective in getting your message out quickly and easily. Compelling and creative copy is also key to getting users interested, but remember that less is definitely more.


Whatever combination of Facebook Ad Formats you ultimately decide on. You will learn and develop your marketing strategy as you go. It all depends on what product or service you offer and what type of ad best conveys your message. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

By experimenting and testing the various options we have discussed here. You can find out which ads are giving you results that meet your Facebook marketing goals.


Which Facebook ad format works best?

The video ad format is perhaps the most effective for Facebook PPC, no matter your industry. Facebook offers its Creator Studio tool to help you create a video or a slideshow of photos that will make up a video. 

What is the format for Facebook ads 2023?

Facebook feed ads recommend a resolution of at least 1080 by 1080 pixels and can be a maximum of 30 megabytes.

What is Facebook’s ad structure?

Facebook organizes ads in a structure with three levels: campaign, ad set, and ad. In the API, developers have access to a fourth level called creative.

What is the most popular ad format?

Video ads. Video ads have been found to be very engaging and can be effective in grabbing users’ attention.

How many ad sets on a campaign?

Within each campaign, ideally, you want to have 3 to 5 ad sets.

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